Consumer Price Index / Inflation May 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Aceh Singkil Regency

Consumer Price Index / Inflation May 2020

Consumer Price Index / Inflation May 2020Download Official Statistics News
Release Date : June 3, 2020
File Size : 0.9 MB


Inflation that occurred in Aceh Province (Combined 3 Cities) occurred due to an increase in prices as indicated by an increase in most of the expenditure group index, namely: the Food and Beverage / Restaurant group 1.04 percent, the Health group 0.75 percent, the Transportation group 0 , 70 percent, Clothing and Footwear group 0.27 percent, Recreation, Sports and Culture group 0.25 percent, Food, Beverage and Tobacco group 0.22 percent, Household Equipment, Equipment and Routine Maintenance 0.19 percent, and Information, Communication, and Financial Services 0.01 percent. Whereas those experiencing deflation were the Personal Care and Other Services group 0.42 percent and Housing, Water, Electricity and Household Fuels 0.03 percent. Meanwhile, the Education group did not experience changes in the index.

The calendar year inflation rate in May 2020 (May 2020 against December 2019) for Meulaboh City was 2.11 percent, Banda Aceh City was 2.16 percent, Lhokseumawe City 0.96 percent and Aceh Province 1.82 percent.

Year on year inflation (May 2020 against May 2019) for Meulaboh City was 4.13 percent, Banda Aceh City was 2.07 percent, Lhokseumawe City was 1.58 percent, and Aceh Province was 2.21 percent.

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